About Us

How long have you been doing what you do, and how did you become Relationship and Transformational Life Coaches for individuals and couples – Ordained Metaphysical Ministers and Licensed Wedding Officiants?

To answer this question, it is probably best that we share with you some defining moments in a “compelling story” that brought us to where we are today – helping individuals to create fulfilling and happy relationships first with themselves and then with others.

Today we coach individuals and couples like you on exactly what to do to navigate the landmines and communication gaps that run unchecked in most relationships. We guide you to harness and honor the higher wisdom which is nestled within each one of us, to create a new life and build new habits that maintain and nurture lifelong self- respect and self-love. From this solid ground to stand on, you discover how easily you can extend respect and love to others.

Our defining moments led us to each other. Here are our stories…

Gerald’s Story

Gérald chose to be born into a family where his father thrived as a construction entrepreneur. His mom was the quintessential homemaker, hostess to numerous family gatherings and a cook beyond measure. Growing up in a lifestyle with above average means he was not prepared to see it all tumbling down. Just as Gérald was entering high school, severe health issues forced his father to declare bankruptcy,

Since very early on Gérald had excelled in academics and proved a very worthy athlete. The events at home seemed to propel him to focus on sports and at once he found himself sitting high on a pedestal of achievement. A top-notch high school athlete, he felt fearless, powerful, and energized. He reveled in those feelings and dreamed of what his future would hold.

But as the years went by, everything seemed to fall flat. He found himself chasing the high of “the old days.” Nothing seemed to measure up. And slowly, he came to realize that the pillars that had supported him as a child and young man had fallen away. Traditional religion no longer resonated with him. The father who had always been a powerful role model, by his actions proved to be someone else entirely. Gérald felt like a boat without navigation – tossed by the wind and waves of life with no direction and no purpose.

At twenty-eight years old he became a father and soon found out just how powerless he had become, since all at once he discovered he did not have it in him to commit to the relationship and even less to fatherhood. When four months later his father died he felt compelled to step in and support his mother in the new family business. The two youngest of eight siblings were still at home and there did not seem to be too many options for her as her whole life had been devoted to nurturing her family. Fate seemed to be showing him a path to salvage the broken trust of his father, his early idol.

After some healing work, he found himself married and the proud father of two wonderful girls. The early years and the experience of being a father and homemaker while operating a home business were filled with great moments. Once again, however, as the challenges in the marriage escalated, lacking a solid foundation to stand on the relationship soon became a massive weight. Unconsciously, Gérald was adding on more layers in his attempt to protect himself from the painful feelings he was unwilling to see, keeping them firmly bottled up.

On his way home one spring night some twelve years into his first marriage, he felt himself pushing the accelerator pedal and with one instant decision, without a second thought, brought it to the floor. The roads were icy and the inevitable result was a head-on crash into cement pillars at the entrance of a country driveway. Waking completely unscathed from the crash, sitting in his mangled car, there seemed to be a sense that fate had relayed the message that he should continue to be in this world. But nothing motivated him anymore. Indifference and complacency became a coping mechanism.

A few years later when on his way home from work he found himself incapable of crossing the bridge that would take him to the island where his family was living. At that moment he had no idea where his life was taking him but he recognized that all he had ever done was to settle. He did not even know what he needed to feel alive, never mind finding happiness.

He could not face his life, his marriage and even less his children without first facing and understanding himself. This is the moment where he began to rebuild himself from the inside out. To others, he later learned, it seemed that his quiet effacing attitude was based in selfishness. For him it was all about feeling powerless! He came to realize that his whole life he had tried to make others happy without ever asking what would make him happy.

Ultimately, since his youth, he knew he had great potential. To discover what it could be he decided he had to reinvest in the mystery of life and spent the next nine (9) years doing exactly that. Voraciously devouring all the books and online training he could afford, slowly he began to open up to his bottled emotions. It took some hard knocks to bring the message home. A series of workplace accidents, the last of which culminated in a nine-month rehabilitation, eventually led him to rely on the Canadian Welfare system to live. Another defining moment!

This is when he decided he would rather die trying than go down like this. He reconnected with family and resolved to dig deeper to learn what our world is all about. Instinctively he knew that first he had to get into action. As he did, he increasingly reconnected with his inner power. He started asking the big questions “Who am I?”, “What am I creating?”, “What is holding me back?”, and “How can I honor myself and the world around me?”

As once again he came to be in harmony with his life and in his power – just when he was truly ready – he met his twin flame, Angela.

Angela’s Story

Angela was born in Greece to a very successful construction entrepreneur. In the first years of life, she wanted for nothing. Her self-identify was formed in an atmosphere of opportunity and ease. But when she was eight and a half years old, her father made some business decisions that resulted in the downfall of the family’s very comfortable life. Within a couple of years of financial struggles, Angela and her family found themselves in a two-room house on top of the mountain at the family’s new business property. There was no running water, no plumbing or electricity – and mostly a lot of confusion and shame.

The mountain top was a place of tranquility that allowed space for inner reflection and spiritual connection. At night and in the early morning hours, when you could hear the bells of sheep grazing the grass, inner peace could easily be found. During the day you could feel the torching hot sun and from a distance, gaze at the soothing Mediterranean Sea. It is on top of this mountain that Angela started to Dream Big!  Years before the law of attraction came to her attention, she began to imagine and shape her reality. And for her, the big dream was Canada. Day and night, she imagined what her life in Canada would be like. And, lo and behold, when Angela was 13 years old, she immigrated to Canada with her family.

The move was awesome and overwhelming all at once. Through it all, Angela’s mom supported her husband and the children.  Together her parents continued to present the experience of a family united.

Angela felt like she had created exactly what she wanted, and even better. But feelings of unworthiness and low self-esteem followed her. She was afraid of losing what she had visualized and manifested for her life. At the time, it was too good to be true. Trying to improve herself and get ahead, she continued to pursue her education as well as reading every book she could get her hands on. Underneath it all, by simply watching and experiencing her father’s business failures, Angela identified with them. In turn she felt like a failure herself. This led her to decide she would only rely on herself for the rest of her life.

But things did not unfold that way. She married at 20, and over the years her home and work life, both stifled and restrained her. Her marriage was painfully unfulfilling. To keep her job, she tolerated aggressive and belittling behaviors. At the worst moment of her experiences at work, she vowed to herself that she would make it even if it killed her.

Eventually the abusive environment that she worked in jeopardized her health. Feeling disempowered, symptoms began to manifest. Chronic jaw pain, migraines, constant headaches, anxiety attacks and depression became a constant reminder of the struggles she was facing daily.

Angela learned to mask her pain from experiencing on-going abuse in order to survive in the unsupportive work environment. She had been told too many times that other people’s inappropriate and abusive behavior towards her, was all her fault.

For all those years, she felt repeatedly knocked down and came to find it impossible to trust anyone. Angela’s self-image became so distorted that she reconciled that her only reason to live was to care for her two young daughters.

But then, the miraculous happened. The huge amounts of stress she was subjected to at work started to cause out of body experiences and contact with the other side; a dimension where only unconditional love exists.  For Angela, this triggered a period of rapid spiritual expansion. She could not speak of this to anyone at the time, but eventually she met an incredible woman who, under trance, could channel a dimension of pure love. With her help as well as reading hundreds of books, Angela began to learn metaphysical concepts and studied various healing modalities as well as philosophy and psychology in attempts to heal her inner trauma and physical pain. It took many years to understand why things were happening in her life. There was one thing she knew for sure… she could never give up no matter how hard things got, and they did.

She believed in hard work and that is what she did. She began to practice the law of attraction more consciously while at the same time healing her inner wounds. In 2003 she finally had the tools and the courage necessary to end the painful marriage she had been in for 22 years. Rebuilding herself, she took it to a whole new level and applied it in both her personal and professional life. Along the way, she changed core beliefs that no longer served her life and replaced them with new beliefs that enabled her to consciously evolve and expand.

Through her perseverance, hard work and becoming a more conscious creator, things started to happen. In her IT career, where women are still a minority, Angela broke through the glass ceiling. She eventually achieved great success, but it proved to be at the price of her health and well being. Angela applied and practiced all the concepts she had been learning in her personal development. She mentored/coached her staff for many years and they became a very high functioning and emotionally intelligent team. They felt supported and they thrived!

In 2008, in a short-lived but very abusive personal relationship the violence escalated to the point of almost losing her life. This was a defining moment for Angela as she intuitively found the means within herself to escape that life-threatening situation. After deciding to quickly end that violent relationship, for the first time in her life she found herself on the other side of fear. She got her first glimpse of freedom, she felt liberated! There was much work to do and she sought out all the help she needed to delve into her healing journey.

Angela was determined to end the cycle of abuse, to define her boundaries, and enter the cycle of equality and healthy relationships. Over time, through various interactions and training, Angela learned how to build and sustain healthy relationships beginning with herself and then with others.

When she finally learned to trust and love herself, she became open to loving and trusting others. And then in 2012, her twin flame, Gérald, appeared. By this time, both were ready to manifest each other, into their lives.

Angela and Gérald were married in 2014 and once they formed their sacred union, their lives merged into a solid, unified, loving path. By embracing the learned wisdom of their individual paths, their relationship has given them the tools and the experience to begin helping others find love within and with others.

They’ve learned that when you find the right partner, they reflect the best of you back at you. They have both learned to cleanse and release their past and are continuously expanding their ability to spend more of every day of their lives together living in the present. They both recognize that this is key to create the future of their dreams more consciously.

In 2014, Angela and Gérald also became Ordained Metaphysical Ministers and began offering their services as Wedding Officiants and Transformational Life and Relationship coaches.

In 2016, after 27 years in her professional life, Angela had reached a place in her inner growth where the happiness in her personal life revealed the constraints of her professional life. She decided to take early retirement. After years of experiencing trauma on various levels, the unreleased emotions resulted in a compromised autoimmune system, the eventual disease manifesting in her body. Just before her retirement, Angela was diagnosed with hashimotos – a dysfunction of the thyroid gland.

Over the course of 8 years, Angela had gained a lot of weight and did not know why this was happening. It turns out that weight gain is a result of hypothyroidism. On an emotional level, it was also Angela’s way of unconsciously protecting herself from experiencing further abuse. Since being diagnosed with hashimotos, Angela has taken a very active approach towards her health on all levels, including the mind, body and spirit connection.

Angela, together with Gerald’s support, started on her new journey of learning all about autoimmune diseases, why and how they affect the body and how we can heal ourselves. They have both actively created lifestyle changes; healthier eating, relaxation, fun exercise, spending more time with family and friends and doing work they both love to do. As a result, most of the weight Angela had gained has now dropped and she feels better on all levels.

They’ve both dug the trenches in their lives, revealing the layers of pain, anger, and fear and uncovered the truth of themselves. As they grow, their bond strengthens! They’ve built a powerful marriage of love, respect, and spiritual connection. After a little over ten (10) years together, they cannot even describe the growth they have experienced and consider themselves both soul mates and twin flames. As they continue to cultivate their love and connection, they’ve become healthier. Organically, their journey has started to influence other individuals and couples and by their example, showing how they can aspire to do the same.

They have since made it their mission to help others discover their inner power so they can enter their relationships and marriages as the best version of themselves. With Angela’s and Gerald’s support they are also learning to build lasting relationships of love, communication, passion and joy.

Angela and Gérald have made a commitment to dedicate the rest of their professional lives to helping individuals and couples who are facing similar challenges; as well as helping other people manifest their ideal partners. Every day is devoted to helping people enable themselves. Helping them learn to forge through their challenges and meet their transformed selves on the other side of fear…where pure love, trust, and true forgiveness resonate.

Since then, they’ve worked with many private clients and spoken in front of countless groups. They are living their dream of creating an inspiring online/portable business that offers the most reliable, effective, supportive, and friendly service, readily accessible from everywhere.

Coaching Services

To support their clients, Angela and Gerald offer personalized coaching sessions and have also created three Signature Programs.

Click on the button below to access the Coaching Services page.