Metaphysical Services
Personalized Private Coaching Sessions
Our combined life experiences have been instrumental in helping us to know about creating positive change and generating positive momentum for ourselves. If you have not already done so we would kindly invite you to go to our “About US” page.
You are on this page because there is something You want to change, a Shift you want to make or something you wish to achieve that keeps pulling out of reach and you can’t seem to get a handle on it! So do You feel ready to begin generating some positive momentum in your life?
If you have already viewed our three “Signature Programs” and did not connect with any of those at this time, we offer personalized coaching sessions to individuals and couples tailored to your own unique needs.
To maximize your private coaching session with us, we will email you a form with some questions so we can all be better prepared. This way, we make sure to make the best use of our time together!
To schedule your private coaching session, contact us at or
The following fees apply to our online coaching sessions from anywhere in the world using Zoom or Skype. For these sessions, the following hourly rates apply:
The fee for a 1-hour private coaching session is $175 dollars.
The fee for a 1.5 hours private coaching session is $250 dollars.
Energy Space Healing and Intuitive Feng Shui
Angela and Gerald offer energy space healing and intuitive Feng Shui sessions. This online program will provide you with the information necessary to heal your life by clearing your space, energizing it and creating a harmonious environment which will support you to thrive in every area of your life.
You will learn how your feelings affect your environment and therefore, every area of your life. You will also learn how to resonate in a vibrational frequency of Love or Above and learn specific skills to attract anything you wish in your life. This includes a loving relationship, health, money, career success, etc.
This includes written information on energy space healing, specific power words and affirmations, intuitive Feng Shui instructions and a 1-hour online video (Zoom) call.
Cost: $150
The underlying principle behind numerology is that our Universe is governed by Laws. The numbers which are specific to each of us dictate which of the Universal Laws will have a greater impact on us and ultimately will determine our life’s purpose.
In years past it was more obvious that numerous methods and “maps of consciousness” from cultures all over the planet represented the understanding that our universe and psyches are not random or chaotic. Their close connection to “Earth/Gaia” allowed them to perceive the inherent structure and order of our world.
Do you want to know what your life path number is and what it means?
Do you believe that your numbers can reveal a path of greater focus and clarity for you?
Do you want to know if you and your partner are soul mates based on your numbers?
Have you ever wondered what your numbers will reveal to you?
If yes, contact Angela and Gerald or
Individual Numerology Reading – $150
This includes one reading with a full report for each of your six numbers and one 45 minutes Q&A video (Zoom) call.
Are we soul mates reading – $250
This includes two readings with a full report for each of your six numbers and one 45 minutes Q&A video (Zoom) call.
Each reading includes a report with your six (6) numerology numbers and one 45 minutes video Q&A call.
Channeled Services
Have you ever wondered what truths about you and your current life can be revealed by communicating with higher consciousness?
Angela Dakogiannis offers uniquely channeled messages with multi-dimensional higher consciousness beings of love and light.
If you would like to experience a healing session from a metaphysical perspective, contact Angela at or
Cost $350
This includes a one hour video (Zoom) session.
Natural Transformational Therapy
Human beings are spirits having a physical experience in a process of ascension. A return to the light. The connection to our higher self is an emotional pathway. By embodying our emotions we have created energetic blocks in our human system. This guarantees we will replay the imprinted scenario endlessly eventually creating disease. A natural flow of emotions through us can occur once we acknowledge that within each of us is the ability to change the template to one that serves us rather than sabotages our every attempt.
Rev. Gerald offers long Natural Transformational Therapy sessions where you are infused with healing love and light. With his ability to hold a high energetic space, in conjunction with your clear intent to liberate whatever emotional charge is limiting you to change, you will experience a shift that will transform your blueprint. It is not necessary to identify the source or event which created the imprint. The intent is sufficient. The change is permanent.
Cost $250 for a 1.5 hours healing session.
A Course in Miracles
A Course in Miracles has probably impacted and led more individuals in the Western world to a path of inner peace than any other system to date. It is neither religious nor dogmatic. As our planet has been shifting into a higher vibration at a more accelerated pace for over twenty-three years now the lessons of this course will continue to attract more and more individuals and rightly so.
If you are interested in metaphysics, you can study A Course in Miracles online. Access the daily lesson at the following website: